Pudukkottai District Polytechnic Colleges List,Address,Diploma Results

List of Polytechnic College in Pudukkottai
Code Colleges Name List full details
113 Government Polytechnic College Select
331 Subramanian Polytechnic College Select
363 Srinivasa Polytechnic College Select
516 Venkateswara Polytechnic College Select
575 M A R Polytechnic College Select
582 Mother Teresa Polytechnic College Select
584 Sudarsan Polytechnic College Select
589 Chenduran Polytechnic College Select
721 Royal Polytechnic College Select
751 Annai Terasa Polytechnic College Select
752 Sastha Polytechnic College Select
753 Mahath Amma Polytechnic College Select
754 St.Joseph Polytechnic College Select
755 Sri Bharathi Polytechnic College For Women Select
792 N.M. Polytechnic College Select
793 Sri Venkatesvara Polytechnic College Select
820 Sri Subabharathi Polytechnic College Select
826 Mnsk Polytechnic College Select
848 Kumaran Polytechnic College Select
870 PSV Polytechnic College Select
877 SSR Polytechnic College Select
884 Sri Annai Abhirami Polytechnic College Select


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